Don’t wait for your New Year’s resolution. Crush your goals. Wake up like a lion today. Move fast and be efficient. Attack those deals like a bear, no bull.
Today we celebrate the first day of Chanuka, the Festival of Lights. We also wish our son, Judah, a happy third birthday!
My mentor, my friend, Gedale Fenster, shared the idea that in a room full of darkness, you can spark one match, that can light up the entire room. That’s one of the messages we learn from Chanuka.
Our Judah’s birth was beautiful timing, as it coincided with retelling the story of Judah the Maccabee. He exhibited tremendous strength. It was said that he was “stronger than a lion, lighter than an eagle, and faster than a bear.”
I’m not saying negotiating deals is like being at war but…this is the home stretch, right before the end of the fiscal year. Most want to close their pending deals before year-end.
*Repeat step one here*
Wishing everyone a happy holiday season!
Go shopping. Support your local retailers.