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Cold Calling Can Suck, but it Doesn’t Have To

If you haven’t started planning the projects you want to work on in 2023, start brainstorming now.

Once you know who to call, you need to call.

Cold calling can suck.

But it doesn’t have to.

We all know that daunting feeling of staring at the name and number you’re supposed to call, but we spend a few minutes playing the dialogue in our head before dialing.

If you’re prepared on the topic you want to discuss, you don’t need to feel overwhelmed.

Organize your thoughts and focus your attention on understanding the person you’re speaking with.

If they make a point, write it down, don’t interrupt them.

Try to prepare your response in your head while they finish their point.

In a recent video, I spoke about knowing the product you’re trying to sell.

Check it out here:

What’s your trick for a successful cold call?

Let us know in the comments below.

#coldcalling #salescalls #masonre

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