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Learning to be Consistent to Achieve our Goals

I have been consistently inconsistent with working out. That run is over.

My friend Khalil Rafati, Founder of SunLife Organics, gave me a great piece of advice.

I said I was planning to start with a personal trainer.

He said, “Don’t commit to one month. Don’t commit to two months. Pay for three months upfront.”

He knows I value money.

He knows I want to commit.

He knows how to change bad habits.

Khalil wrote an inspiring book titled, “I Forgot To Die.” If you haven’t read it, order it now.

If he can overcome the challenges in his life, you can accomplish any of your goals.

What’s your secret?

How do you stay focused and committed to your goals?

Let us know in the comments below.

#consistency #committed #goals #masonre

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