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Take Care of your Feet

I walked around with holes in the bottom of my shoes.

Wet socks are no fun.

Don’t get cold feet.

Ryan, do you remember the day of our internship at RKF when we had to walk around NYC hand-delivering brochures to companies?

It sounds simple, because it is.

Spend the right amount of time analyzing the foundations of your business.

If you’re running on software from 1998, you’re doing something wrong.

Technology is constantly advancing.

So should you.

Don’t look at what the competition is doing.

Look at what the world is doing.

If it’s time to update your CRM platform, do it.

We (masonre) use Salesforce.

It’s taking incredible amounts of time, energy, and money to build it correctly.

We’re walking before we’re running.

We’re focused on building something special that will last.

What’s a practical tip you can share?

Let us know in the comments below.

#practicaltip #salesforce #evolve #masonre

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